Hella Stupid
Cartman comes back looking and acting like his old self. He decides to incorporate the term "hella" ...
The boys get together to do some pumpkin carving, but all they can find is a squash. Cartman leaves to get a knife and comes back as his new identity.
Deze korte clip is een fragment van de aflevering Spookyfish (Seizoen 2, Aflevering 15)
Bekijk alle afleveringen van seizoen 2
Cartman comes back looking and acting like his old self. He decides to incorporate the term "hella" ...
The boys ask Aunt Flo where she got the fish, and decide to investigate. The fish then kills her and...
Spookyfish starts sending Stan evil messages. As dead bodies start appearing in his room, Mrs. Marsh...
While waiting for the bus, Cartman shows up to meet the boys, but the altered Cartman is already the...
A spaceship lands in South Park, and a school bus runs over the alien who flew it. Cartman shows up ...
Stan's Aunt Flo comes to visit and brings gifts. Shelly gets a fancy entertainment system, while Sta...
Evil Kyle and Evil Stan come looking for Evil Cartman. The real Cartman looks for his parallel self ...
The boys find the pet store and learn that the owner disrespected an Indian burial ground. He also h...
Randy Marsh stumbles upon Officer Barbrady in the basement. He asks his wife for an explanation, but...
The McCormick's enjoy a quiet evening at home during a rain storm. Goatee Cartman shows up, offering...
Cartman and Evil Cartman look through the phonebook for the pet store.
Mrs. McCormick stops by the Marsh house drunk. She wants to know what happened to Kenny, but Sharon ...
While in bed, Stan is silently terrorized by his new, spooky fish. He places a shirt over the bowl t...
The evil boys show up at the pumpkin contest. They want Evil Cartman, but the boys prefer to trade. ...
After some persuasive words by Evil Cartman, the shop owner agrees to take back the fish. Then Evil ...
Kyle, Stan and Evil Cartman talk about their new friendship, while the evil pets take another victim...
Barbrady questions Sharon Marsh about the people who have died. As he's leaving, she hits him and ti...
The boys bring their assorted problems to Chef for advice. They figure out that Evil Cartman is prob...