Wendy To the Principal's Office, Please
Cartman gives his own report on breast cancer awareness.
Uitgebracht op 14-10-2008 · Seizoen 12 · Aflevering 9
Wendy komt in de problemen wanneer ze Cartman bedreigt in elkaar te slaan na school. Hoe zelfverzekerd ze ook is, iedereen legt zijn geld op Cartman. De uitkomst van het gevecht is toch verrassend..
Bekijk hier 13 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
Cartman gives his own report on breast cancer awareness.
Cartman tries to get Stan to reason with Wendy.
Everyone shows up early for the fight, except Wendy.
Cartman's confidence about fighting Wendy fades very, very quickly.
Cartman uses the oldest trick in the book: Telling His Mom.
Principal Victoria and Wendy talk about fighting fat, lumpy cancer.
Cartman's detention will only delay the inevitable.
The Boys reveal their true feelings for Cartman.
With only minutes left in the school day, Cartman needs a way out.
Cartman and Wendy decide they are going to fight after school.
Wendy tries to give a presentation on breast cancer, but Cartman can't get his mind off the killer t...
Cartman is committed to making peace with Wendy, and will do whatever it takes to get out of the fig...
After much anticipation, Wendy and Cartman finally throw down.