You're Alive!?!
Stan and Kyle are on their way home from the White House when they run into the 911Truth.org guy. Th...
Uitgebracht op 10-10-2006 · Seizoen 10 · Aflevering 9
Wanneer iemand op South Park Elementary het urinoir vervuilt, zoekt Mr. Mackey naar de jongen die verantwoordelijk is. Cartman begint te beweren dat het een samenzwering is, "net als 11 september". De anderen vinden Cartman daarom een idioot. Cartman doet onderzoek en dat presenteert hij aan de klas. Hij beweert dat Kyle achter 11 september zit. Het blijkt echter dat de samenzwering rond 9/11 een complot van de regering George W. Bush is.
Bekijk hier 13 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
Stan and Kyle are on their way home from the White House when they run into the 911Truth.org guy. Th...
The CIA has been questioning Stan about Kyle's involvement with the 9/11 attacks. Stan finds an orga...
Stan and Kyle speak to the 911Truth.org guy. He makes Kyle hold jars of anthrax as the cops burst in...
Mr. Mackey uses the school's janitor, Mr. Venezuela, to guilt the kids into saying who duked in the ...
Detective Hardly tells Stan and Kyle that the 9/11 conspiracy is a government conspiracy. Stan admit...
Clyde laughs as he gets in trouble for dumping in the urinal. His parents have some new information ...
After Kyle tells his mom that the other kids blame him for 9/11, a town meeting is held. It is agree...
During show and tell, Cartman presents his conspiracy theory. Based on the evidence, it's clear that...
Clyde is innocent due to a colostomy when he was five. Mr. Mackey wants the real culprit.
Mr. Mackey storms into the classroom yelling at the boys for somebody taking a dump in the urinal. L...
Cartman decides he needs to find out what really happened on September 11th.
Mr. Mackey has the police investigate the bathroom but they don't get very far. They enlist the Hard...
Stan, Kyle and the 911Truth.org guy are taken to the White House. President Bush explains how he pla...