Bunny POWs
Stan seeks refuge at Kyle's house while Randy Marsh wakes up in a dark, mysterious jail cell.
Aired at April 3, 2007 · Season 11 · Episode 5
Stan Marsh wonders why they decorate eggs with Easter. He no longer wants to paint an egg and his father is slightly stressed by this. In the shopping center, he asks the Easter bunny what the Easter bunny and decorating eggs has to do with the resurrection of Jesus. The Easter Bunny informs the other Easter Bunnies. They surround Stan when he goes home and, once home, it turns out that his father is also one. His father tells him about a secret society where he and Stan's grandfather are part of, "The Hare Club for Men", they want to initiate Stan and take him to a meeting. They pray for the rabbit "Snowball" and want to tell Stan the secret when Ninja's attack. The Ninjas take all members and Stan is stuck with Snowball. He seeks help from Kyle.
Below you will find 11 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
Stan seeks refuge at Kyle's house while Randy Marsh wakes up in a dark, mysterious jail cell.
Men in Easter bunny costumes chase Stan. Retreating to his home Stan finds his Dad dressed as a bunn...
The Pope demands for Randy Marsh to admit that he's wrong for telling people St. Peter was a rabbit....
Stan asks an Easter bunny at the mall what coloring eggs have to do with Jesus dying on the cross. I...
The Head of the Catholic League orders Jesus to be killed after Jesus confirms St. Peter was a rabbi...
Stan doesn't understand the logic of coloring eggs on the anniversary of the resurrection of Jesus C...
Stan and Kyle's meeting with Professor Teabag is interrupted by ninjas. Stan and Kyle escape the hou...
Stan and Kyle seek answers from Professor Teabag, an expert on the history of the church. He tells t...
After Jesus convinces Kyle to kill him, He dies, is resurrected, and kills Bill Donohue. Snowball is...
Randy tells Stan he is part of an ancient secret society of men who follow the way of the rabbit and...
The Hare Club for Men is about to tell Stan the secret of Easter when ninjas attack them.