Ticking Time Balls
Dr. Biber alerts Mrs. Garrison and the boys that Kyle only looks like a basketball player and if he ...
Uitgebracht op 08-03-2005 · Seizoen 9 · Aflevering 1
Mr. Garrison ligt op de operatietafel om zich te laten opbouwen tot vrouw. Kyle mag meedoen aan de tryouts van een lokaal basketbalteam omdat hij de beste speler van de school is. Omdat hij veel kleiner is dan de rest en de enige blanke is wordt hij al snel van het veld gestuurd met het argument dat Joden geen basketbal kunnen spelen.Omdat Kyle nogal geschokt is door de ombouwing van Mr. Garrison legt zijn moeder uit dat innerlijk en uiterlijk soms niet samengaan. Kyle wil daarom omgebouwd worden tot een grote kleurling. Tijdens de consultatie blijkt dat Kyle rode krullen heeft.
Bekijk hier 17 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
Dr. Biber alerts Mrs. Garrison and the boys that Kyle only looks like a basketball player and if he ...
Mrs. Garrison interrupts another one of Dr. Biber's operations to drag him around town in search of ...
While Mr. Broflovski attempts to find a bathroom equipped for transpecies with special needs, Kyle's...
Kyle's basketball coach decides he's tall and black enough to play in the all-state basketball game.
Kyle's parents refuse to give him permission for a negroplasty operation and Mr. Broflovski intends ...
When Mrs. Broflovski explains Mr. Garrison's reason for having a sex change, Kyle realizes that he k...
Mrs. Garrison goes wild, flashing her new boobs and sleeping with truckers. But she still hasn't had...
Mrs. Garrison may feel better but he never realized that Mr. Slave doesn't like vaginas because he's...
Now that Kyle's tall and black, he's ready to retry-out for the all-state basketball team.
While Kyle complains about not making the all-state basketball team, the boys run into the new Mrs. ...
Mrs. Garrison and the boys rush to Kyle's game to save her balls from exploding in Kyle's knees, but...
Mrs. Garrison thinks she has missed her period but the doctor at Planned Parenthood assures her that...
Kyle feels like a tall black man on the inside just like Mr. Garrison felt like a woman inside, and ...
Mr. Garrison makes his first appearance as a woman and she just can't wait to get her first period.
Dr. Biber operates on Mr. Garrison giving him a vagina.
Mr. Broflovski barges into Dr. Bibers' office with the intention of suing, but is instead, persuaded...
Mr. Broflovski's dolphinoplasty was a success. He is happier than ever and feels that Kyle deserves ...