Reverse Psychology
Kyle bursts Cartman's bubble by admitting that he was wrong. The parents of South Park celebrate the...
Uitgebracht op 02-07-2002 · Seizoen 6 · Aflevering 8
Priester Maxi vertelt de ouderen van de hoofdpersonages over een speciale boottocht, die de kinderen met de priesters zouden kunnen maken. De ouders wijzen zijn plan af en laten de psychiater met de kinderen praten om uit te vinden of Maxi, of een van de andere priesters, zich schuldig heeft gemaakt aan kindermisbruik.De vrouw vraagt aan de jongens of Maxi "ooit heeft geprobeerd iets in hun kont te stoppen". De jongens snappen hier niks van en vragen zich af wat ze bedoelde. Dan suggereert Cartman dat ze misschien bedoelde dat als je eten in je achterwerk stopt, je door je mond zal poepen. De anderen vinden het idee belachelijk en Kyle verwedt er 20 dollar om met Cartman. Onder het oog van veel andere kinderen lukt het Cartman tot ieders verbazing. Alle ouders worden ondertussen atheïsten, uit protest tegen het kindermisbruik.
Bekijk hier 15 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
Kyle bursts Cartman's bubble by admitting that he was wrong. The parents of South Park celebrate the...
Priest Maxi delivers a sermon on why the death of the Church isn't the death of Catholicism.
The South Park Atheists Club discusses the difficulties of raising kids in a society infused by Chri...
While the counselor subtly questions the kids about Priest Maxi, their parents' decide to become ath...
Seeing that the only way to fix the Catholic Church is to amend the Holy Document of Vatican Law, Pr...
Priest Maxi attends a meeting at the Vatican to try and combat the widespread sexual abuse by priest...
The boys try to figure out what a priest could possibly want to put in their butts. Cartman bets Kyl...
In a rage, Priest Maxi rips the Holy Document of Vatican Law when the Queen Spider refuses to amend ...
Priest Maxi resolves to find the Holy Document of Vatican Law so it can be changed to include the al...
When Stan tells his family about Cartman's reverse eating/defecating experiment, his dad decides to ...
Cartman continues to hold his reverse eating/defecating victory over Kyle. Meanwhile, the rest of th...
Priest Maxi holds a meeting of local priests to address the decline in church attendance, but he soo...
When a new eating method sweeps the nation, even Martha Stewart joins in and eats a turkey with her ...
With all the Catholic Priest sex scandals in the news, the parents of South Park are hesitant to sen...
To settle his bet with Kyle, Cartman puts food up his butt and craps out his mouth.