Cutting the Head off The Powell Statue
Professor Chaos strikes again, this time cutting the head off a statue in town. People love that it ...
Uitgebracht op 25-06-2002 · Seizoen 6 · Aflevering 7
De aflevering gaat over The Simpsons. 'Professor Chaos' heeft een plan om 'de wereld te vernietigen'. Maar dit blijkt al door The Simpsons gedaan te zijn, Hij bedenkt meer en meer plannen, maar ze blijken allemaal al door The Simpsons gedaan. Zijn hulpje blijft zeggen 'Simpsons Did It!'. Professor Chaos wordt gek, en ziet alles in een "The Simpsons-manier" (Alles geel, en bollig). Terwijl dit allemaal gebeurt, zijn de 4 jongens ook bezig, Cartman ontdekt "Sea-People" en koopt een pak samen met Stan, Kyle en Tweek.
Bekijk hier 15 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
Professor Chaos strikes again, this time cutting the head off a statue in town. People love that it ...
The boys might have killed Mrs. Choksondik. Tweek freaks out under the pressure.
The semen and the Sea People have combined and formed a tiny little civilization in the bottom of Ca...
The boys break into the morgue to remove the seamen from Ms. Choksondik's body. The codeword is hamm...
Professor Chaos comes up with something "The Simpsons" has never done. Then "The Simpsons" does it.
While Stan and Kyle audition another new best friend, Cartman orders sea people.
Cartman wakes up to discover that the Sea People have developed a more advanced civilization, and th...
Cartman heads down to the local sperm bank to pick up some semen.
The boys go to Chef for advice on what to do about the seamen that have been found in their teacher'...
Butters finally loses interest in competing with the Simpsons as the Sea People Destroy themselves.
The boys have all the raw materials--the tank, the Sea People and the semen. Butters is haunted by t...
Chef realizes the boys confusion. He explains the difference between Semen and Sea-men
Professor Chaos has a plan to build an immense wooden structure and block out the sun but The Simpso...
Cartman and the boys wait to welcome the Sea People to South Park. The Sea People are shrimp brine.
Cartman dreams in song about the his new best friends, the Sea People.