The Sundance Film Festival organizers arrive in South Park, and they like what they see -- a little ...
Uitgebracht op 18-08-1998 · Seizoen 2 · Aflevering 9
Deze aflevering begint met het Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. Sundance's bedenker, Robert Redford zegt dat Park City te druk wordt door het jaarlijkse festival en besluit om het volgend jaar te doen in een ander klein bergstadje genaamd: South Park, Colorado.Het festival begint dan in South Park en binnen twee seconden staat het helemaal vol met mensen. Op school geeft Mr. Garrison de kinderen de opdracht om een verslag te schrijven over een film die ze tijdens het festival moeten kijken. Cartman scheldt ook Wendy uit waarvoor hij straf krijgt.
Bekijk hier 15 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
The Sundance Film Festival organizers arrive in South Park, and they like what they see -- a little ...
While the denizens of South Park line the streets anxiously awaiting a potential celebrity sighting,...
The Sundance Film Festival organizers are thrilled with how well-attended the South Park Film Festiv...
Kyle goes back to the sewer to give Mr. Hankey the bad news and finds his pooey friend playing the o...
When Kyle makes a plea to save Mr. Hankey to a crowd of theater-goers, he doesn't get anywhere. But ...
Stan and Wendy go see "Witness To Denial" at the South Park Film Festival. Stan laments the lack of ...
Mr. Garrison, Wendy, and the boys discuss the pros and cons of independent films.
Somehow, Mr. Hankey's story has already been made into a feature film.
Park City, Utah-- site of the Sundance Film Festival -- is no longer a quaint little mountain town, ...
The boys go into the sewer to find Mr. Hankey and encounter unexpected company.
With the streets crowded with wealthy out-of-towners, Chef tries to make a few extra bucks by sellin...
With Hollywood tightening its stranglehold, only a resuscitated Mr. Hankey can save South Park by co...
The mayor can't save the city, Cartman loses the profits from "Mr. Hankey & Me," and Kyle misses a f...
The final film of the South Park Film Festival is about gay cowboys. Meanwhile, a cure for Mr. Hanke...
Chef develops a new dessert treat for the film festival crowd, while Mr. Hankey beckons from below.