I've Got Your Son, Lorde
The Record Producer takes Stan and Kyle hostage. Meanwhile, the South Park Police arrive to deal wi...
Uitgebracht op 16-12-2014 · Seizoen 18 · Aflevering 10
Cartman Bra wordt populair terwijl het land voorbereid op het grootste 'Holiday Spectacular' ooit.
Bekijk hier 19 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
The Record Producer takes Stan and Kyle hostage. Meanwhile, the South Park Police arrive to deal wi...
Kyle finally sees the commercial for "The Washington Redskins Go F*ck Yourself Holiday Special".
During the holiday special, Kurt Cobain sings "Up On The Housetop".
At the police station, Randy teams up with Michael Jackson's hologram. Meanwhile, Kyle confronts Ike...
Cartman Bra provides commentary during the Record Producer's meeting.
With everyone sick of Cartman Bra, PewDiePie comes to the rescue.
Randy finally tells Shelley the truth about his secret identity as Lorde.
Iggy Azalea and Elvis Presley's hologram share a tune about Christmas.
After trying to confront Cartman Bra, Stan finally reveals the truth about his dad.
The Record Producer shares his story about when he became a grandpa.
Tupac's hologram pays a visit to the South Park Police.
The South Park Police recount a confrontation between Tupac and Michael Jackson.... then Cartman Bra...
With everyone watching, Kyle takes the opportunity to reach out to his brother.
The holiday special continues with Bill Cosby and Taylor Swift's rendition of "It's Snowing Out Ther...
Randy goes to the police to get help with the hologram conspiracy.
Bill Cosby recruits Kyle and his hashtag for the big Holiday Special.
Kyle mourns the loss of the living room, and tries to create change through social media.
With the help of PewDiePie, Stan and Kyle learn something today.
This Wednesday, it's a star-studded holiday event like no other — "The Washington Redskins Go F*ck...