Forsaken and Trainin'
With only one person supporting him, Jesus feels betrayed by the people of South Park, who have all ...
Uitgebracht op 03-02-1998 · Seizoen 1 · Aflevering 8
De show begint wanneer Cartman uitnodigingen uitdeelt in de klas voor zijn verjaardagsfeestje. Mr. Garrison kondigt dan aan dat er een nieuwe leerling bij hun in de klas komt, Damien. Hij stelt zichzelf voor als "the Seventh Level of Hell" (Mr. Garrison gelooft dan meteen dat hij uit Alabama komt). Dan zegt hij dat "nu het begin is van het einde voor het nieuw tijdperk van zijn vader, the Prince of Darkness". Nadat Cartman hem een uitnodiging aanbood ontstaan er vlammen in Damien's pupillen en gooit hij door middel van telekinese Cartman's bureau uit het raam. Mr. Garrison vraagt dan aan Damien of hij even wat tijd voor zichzelf nodig heeft.
Bekijk hier 16 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
With only one person supporting him, Jesus feels betrayed by the people of South Park, who have all ...
Chef knocks out Jesus while training for the big day in the ring. Satan is going to crush him like a...
Jesus wants the boys to bring him to Damien so he can see if he's really the Seedling of Satan.
The final apocalyptic battle between Jesus and Satan is getting in the way of Cartman's big birthday...
It's round one of the ultimate fight between good and evil and the crowd is going wild.
Damien unexpectedly shows up to Cartman's party, uninvited, and blows up Pip as a special gift.
Counselor Mackey advises Damien that perhaps burning and killing the children isn't the best way to ...
The people of South Park lose faith in Jesus when they realize he's no match for a 320-pound devil -...
Cartman gets back at Damien for burning down the playground by farting on him and dubbing him, Fart ...
Just when Damien starts being accepted, he has to leave South Park. Cartman gets his just desserts.
At the party, Chef decides the fight can wait so he can sample some of Ms. Cartman's "Chili."
Damien destroys the playground with his evil wrath and calls upon his dark father to battle it out w...
Damien is shunned by the boys, leading him to demonstrate his demonic powers by turning Kenny into a...
The new kid in South Park is the spawn of the Prince of Darkness, and he's not invited to Cartman's ...
Satan takes a dive, making Jesus the undisputed spiritual winner, causing the whole town to lose the...
When Cartman opens Kyle's birthday gift and sees it's not a Red Megaman, he blows his lid and calls ...