Clyde Likes Tacos
Only Kenny, Butters, and Timmy will help Stan with his plan to get Kyle a kidney.
Aired at June 27, 2000 · Season 4 · Episode 7
In the episode, Kyle needs a kidney transplant, and Cartman is the only donor. Cartman charges $ 10 million for his kidney, however. The other boys go to Cartman's house with the plan to steal one of his kidneys. Cartman thwarts their plan, however. Depressed at the inevitable loss of his friend, Stan decides to take the action into his own hands and enlist the help of the parents.
Below you will find 18 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
Only Kenny, Butters, and Timmy will help Stan with his plan to get Kyle a kidney.
Cartman wakes up to find his kidney gone. He goes to Stan and demands it back.
Turns out Stan tricked Cartman into donating his kidney. Mr. Garrison shows up with his published bo...
Stan and his mom pay a very sick Kyle a visit. Mrs. Broflovski is very worried until Mrs. Marsh sugg...
Dr. Doctor tells him that Kyle's life depends on a kidney transplant. The problem is that Cartman's ...
Mrs. Broflovski fears that Kyle is getting worse. Miss Information stops by and says he's actually g...
Stan and Kyle ask Cartman if he will donate a kidney. He'll only do it for $10 million.
Mr. Garrison speaks with a publisher about his novel. The publisher feels there are too many referen...
Due to charges of molestation, the school board asks Mr. Garrison to take a brief hiatus. He feels h...
Stan, Kyle, and their moms go see Miss Information to talks to her about herbal medicine. The moms a...
The class has a substitute teacher and the boys have fun with him. The teacher has them make a get-w...
Kyle is taken to see Chief Running Pinto and Carlos Ramirez. They recommend he go see a real doctor.
The town is obsessed with holistic remedies. Two "Native Americans" come into the store and sell one...
Mr. Garrison sees Mr. Mackey for counseling. Together they decide that the best thing for Garrison w...
Team Kidney sneaks into Cartman's house. When they go to cut him open, they discover that he is wear...
Mr. Garrison continues to work on his novel. It seems to be leaning toward the soft-core porn side o...
Mr. Garrison begins his novel. He has no trouble describing the male characters' features, but when ...
A commercial for Cherokee Hair Tampons depicts a mother and daughter having a tender moment discussi...