Planning the March
Chef tries to organize an anti-flag march with some of the South Park voters, but they all decide th...
Below you will find 15 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
Chef tries to organize an anti-flag march with some of the South Park voters, but they all decide th...
Some students talk to Jimbo and Ned about the flag issue. Jimbo tells them that some people are just...
The mayor has a smile added to the face of the black man being hanged on the flag, but Chef still fi...
Cartman and Wendy realize they have some things in common, and they share a tender moment.
The class is divided into debate teams, Stan and Kyle are for the flag and Wendy and Cartman are aga...
The flag is changed to incorporate all types of people lynching a black person. Wendy tells Cartman ...
Mr. Wyland decides the class should research and have a debate on the flag issue.
Somehow, Mr. Hat takes off for a Klan meeting without Mr. Garrison. Jimbo and Ned spy on the meeting...
The KKK rallies outside of City Hall. Chef is outraged and Officer Barbrady does nothing.
Groups representing both sides of the flag hold a demonstration outside of City Hall. The KKK shows ...
Ned and Uncle Jimbo dress up like Klansmen and get the Klan to agree to vote against the flag in hop...
Chef realizes that the kids were na ve about the implications of the flag -- and is touched. He and ...
Cartman and Wendy work on their debate and seem to warm up to each other. Meanwhile, Stan and Kyle's...
Wendy dreams that she and Cartman are in love. She wakes up and dunks her head in a fishbowl.
Chef wants South Park's flag changed because it's painfully racist and Jimbo wants it to stay the sa...