Garrison faces off with the spirit of his gay self, and finally comes to terms with his sexuality.
Below you will find 14 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
Garrison faces off with the spirit of his gay self, and finally comes to terms with his sexuality.
Stan says that if the nerds build another time machine, they can travel back in time to find out how...
Ms. Choksondik learns that she alone has the strength to reach the kids, and Mr. Garrison finally se...
The SWAT team attempts to rescue Timmy on his wheelchair of death, but he and the wheelchair disappe...
After demanding to talk to Mr. Garrison, Mr. Mackey, Chef and Principal Victoria explain to Ms. Chok...
The nerds set Timmy's wheelchair to open a wormhole, but instead it takes off wildly ready to explod...
It's the first day of fourth grade and the boys decide they need to take a hard stance with their ne...
The kids try to get the nerds to build them another Time Machine. The nerds aren't on speaking terms...
Ms. Choksondik enlightens the class on how life is about moving forward and facing new, exciting cha...
Ms. Choksondik finds Mr. Garrison in a mountain cave, and begs for his guidance on how to teach the ...
Cartman sings a love song on the magic of the third grade. The boys ask a couple sci-fi nerds how th...
Ms. Choksondik visits Principal Victoria's office wanting to talk to Mr. Garrison, but no one will t...
Mr. Garrison trains Ms. Choksondik on how to talk to the children by staging hypothetical conversati...
The new fourth grade teacher, Ms. Choksondik, is a real hard-ass and everybody bails on Cartman's pl...