Human Mother
Eric's Trapper has been successfully destroyed but all is not right. Cartman begged his mom to get h...
Below you will find 13 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
Eric's Trapper has been successfully destroyed but all is not right. Cartman begged his mom to get h...
The absent kid drags himself out of the hospital to vote. But the class is still undecided. Rosie O'...
Filmore's aunt, Rosie O'Donnell, shows up to Kindergarten to resolve the class president election di...
Ike starts kindergarten at age three. Cartman's Trapper Keeper is way cooler than Kyle's and some we...
Mr. Garrison wants the children to make their own decision and gives Rosie a piece of his mind, whic...
When Flora finally casts her vote and Ike is named Class President, the children demand a re-count..
The Trapper Keeper hybrid is heading for the site where it will fuse with all other computers. Kyle ...
The weird new kid snags Cartman's Trapper Keeper. The Kindergarten election is tied.
Class elections get blown out of proportion, with lawyers, forms and Jesse Jackson. Filmore concedes...
Mr. Garrison is now teaching Kindergarten and holds elections for class president. Cartman shows off...
The boys discover that the new kid is really a Cyborg from the future come to prevent Cartman's Trap...
Cartman infuses himself with Rosie O'Donnell which ends up making him sick. Kyle destroys the CPU wh...
BMS471 gets sidetracked by Mrs. Cartman. The Trapper Keeper absorbs Eric, turns into some kind of hy...