John Postem realizes that South Park will never love Harbucks the way he does. He decides to close d...
Aired at December 15, 1998 · Season 2 · Episode 17
Because Mr. Garrison threatens to lose his job, he has the students give a presentation about a current event. The 4 boys end up in a group with Tweek, a hyperactive boy with ADHD. He suggests talking about the "Underpants Gnomes", gnomes stealing his underwear. The boys don't believe him, so Tweek lets them stay overnight at his home. Two parents, who run a coffee house, give the boys coffee to stay awake. The boys drink so much coffee that they quickly get busy. When they have calmed down, Mr. Tweek, who made a project for them. However, this is not about the Gnomes, but about "company takeovers". His coffee shop is in danger of being taken over or out of competition by Harbucks. During the conversation between Mr. Tweek and the boys, Tweek sees the Gnomes steal his underwear. However, the rest do not see this and say that Tweek must stop.
Below you will find 16 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
John Postem realizes that South Park will never love Harbucks the way he does. He decides to close d...
Using Mr. Tweek's report, the boys give a presentation. The South Park Committee is blown away, and ...
The mayor agrees to let the town vote on whether or not Harbucks should be shut down. The gnomes rea...
The boys and Tweek go on a talk show to debate John Postem. They argue their side poorly, but someho...
The town protests Harbucks, as Postem panics and tries to appeal to the kids. Mr. Tweek informs Post...
Mr. Garrison tells the class that the school board may fire him. He decides to make the class presen...
For voting day, the mayor invites the band Toto to play and the boys to give a speech. The boys are ...
The boys present their speech, but it is in favor of Harbucks. The whole town agrees that Harbucks' ...
The boys go to Tweek's house to see the gnomes. Mr. Tweek tells them to do their presentation on the...
John Postem from Harbucks tries to buy Mr. Tweek's coffee shop. Mr. Tweek refuses, but Postem makes ...
Harbucks opens next to Tweek Bros. The committee was so moved by the presentation that they decide t...
Tweek tells the boys that they should do their presentation on the Underpants Gnomes. The boys don't...
The first advertisement promoting Prop. 10 is unveiled. Mrs. Tweek feels that the boys are being use...
The boys discuss the speech at Tweek's house. During the meeting, the gnomes appear, and they all se...
The boys and Tweek drink a lot of coffee. Mr. Tweek comes in with a report he wrote for them. The gn...
The boys go to the gnomes' cave and learn about their underpants business. The gnomes agree to tell ...