Local Cows
The Whole Foods inspector is shown the locally-sourced cattle.
Aired at September 29, 2015 · Season 19 · Episode 3
Due to Mr. Garrison's behavior towards immigration, South Park is ridiculed by Jimmy Fallon on TV; as a result, the town plans to have a Whole Foods Market built, to boost their image. In order to attract Whole Foods and make their town look better, Mayor McDaniels, with the help of Randy Marsh, decides to have a fancy and modern district, SodoSopa ("South of Downtown South Park"), be built around Kenny's house.
Below you will find 20 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
The Whole Foods inspector is shown the locally-sourced cattle.
The townspeople descend on City Wok and fight the Child Labor Force.
The Whole Foods Inspector visits South Park Elementary.
Kenny joins City Wok Guy's new child labor force.
Randy and the Mayor unveil their plan to fix South Park's public image.
The entire town celebrates the arrival of the new Whole Foods.
Kenny's dad gripes about their financial situation.
The Mayor shows off SoDoSoPa to the Whole Foods Inspector.
With the help of his new workers, Mr. Kim cleans up City Wok.
Jimmy Fallon tells some jokes about South Park.
Kenny returns home with a gift for his sister.
The city begins to plan the new SoDoSoPa project. Afterwards, they hold a meeting for the lower inc...
The townspeople all get ready for the biggest visit of their lives.
The new SoDoSoPa area is bustling... but over at City Wok, things aren't looking so good.
After hours at City Wok, Kenny and Mr. Kim have a heart-to-heart.
Randy calls Whole Foods to try and get them to open a store in South Park.
An exciting commercial for the newest addition to SoDoSoPa.
City Wok Guy makes a commercial for South Park's newest cultural district.
A sleek commercial for the new residences at SoDoSoPa.
Kenny’s family goes before the town council to discuss their concerns about South Park’s redevel...