Working on a Follow-Up
Acclaimed author Leopold Stotch reveals his plan for a Scrotie sequel. Meanwhile, the boys plot thei...
Aired at March 23, 2010 · Season 14 · Episode 2
The students at South Park Elementary are assigned to read The Catcher In The Rye, and grow excited when Mr. Garrison tells them the book is so controversial, it has been banned from public schools in the past. However, after reading the book, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny are angry to find the content completely inoffensive, and feel the school has "tricked" them into reading. They decide to write their own offensive novel, The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs, with the intention of disgusting as many people as possible and getting the book banned. Later, Stan's parents find the first draft and read it.
Below you will find 13 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
Acclaimed author Leopold Stotch reveals his plan for a Scrotie sequel. Meanwhile, the boys plot thei...
The boys find someone to blame for their foul-mouthed book.
The boys confront Butters about stealing their book.
Butters is forced to deal with the tragic repercussions of his books.
The boys fight to get Scrotie's tale banned.
Stan, Kenny, Cartman, and Kyle decide to write their own novel.
Stan's parents fight their way through the boys' book...and absolutely love it.
The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs becomes a bestselling phenomenon, making people around the world v...
The boys' moose hunting mission takes a backseat when they realize Butters has released a second boo...
Butters goes on the Today show to promote his amazingly successful book.
Butters's second novel hits the shelves and Morgan Freeman takes a moment to read the first chapter.
The boys discover their controversial book assignment isn't really that controversial.
Garrison hands out copies of the book "Catcher in the Rye" to the class.