Drug Free Treatment
Chef tries to get the parents to use an alternative treatment to ADD, but finds they're also on Rita...
Cartman and Kenny are enjoying the Ritalin and tell Stan and Kyle they should give it a try.
This short clip is a fragment from the episode Timmy (Season 4, Episode 4)
Check out a full list of episodes from season 4
Chef tries to get the parents to use an alternative treatment to ADD, but finds they're also on Rita...
Chef gives the kids the Riddle-Out during Phil Collins' set, and they realize how much he sucks.
Mr. Garrison quizzes the class on their homework from the night before. Timmy, the new student, has ...
After the entire class falls asleep during a reading of "A Farewell to Arms," the doctor diagnoses a...
On the Charlie Rose Show, Phil Collins voices his disapproval over what he sees as the exploitation ...
Unable to answer a specific question about "The Great Gatsby," Timmy is diagnosed with ADD.
"Lords of the Underworld" are having trouble making their music sound right. They hear Timmy and enl...
Timmy is sent to the principal's office for his behavior and Mr. Mackey diagnoses him with ADD.
Chef is concerned that all the kids are taking Ritalin.
Timmy performs with "Lords of the Underworld" at the Battle of the Bands, and they win. Some people ...
MTV News reports on Timmy's upcoming concert. Phil Collins confronts Timmy's parents about the explo...
Timmy gets excused from homework based on his diagnosis. When the class hears this, they all start c...
Mr. Garrison can't handle how boring the students are now that they are on Ritalin, but ends up popp...
Skyler and Timmy get the band back together to play Lalapalalapaza -- to a very happy and sober crow...
The whole class goes to the pharmacy to get their prescriptions filled. Cartman's Mom is warned abou...
After a Timmy concert, Phil Collins advises Skyler to quit the band and go solo..
The Ritalined-out boys are glad that Timmy will no longer be laughed at, and decide to go to the con...
Chef confronts the pharmacists about the Ritalin problem. They agree something must be done once the...
Timmy's attention finally gets the better of Skyler, so he quits the band to pursue a solo career.