Butter Dirty, Line Cutter
Stan drives his dad to the Virgin Mary statue. Randy immediately tries to skip ahead, insisting that...
Bekijk hier 13 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
Stan drives his dad to the Virgin Mary statue. Randy immediately tries to skip ahead, insisting that...
Stan catches his drunken dad trying to get behind the wheel. Randy insists on seeing the statue, so ...
Randy shows up at school to talk to the class about what he did. Mrs. Garrison points out that he's ...
A priest discovers that a statue of the Virgin Mary is anally bleeding. Randy Marsh wants to visit t...
Stan teaches his dad that the discipline to stop drinking comes from within.
A cop helps Randy to the front of the line. Randy gets squirted with blood and is cured.
At an AA meeting Stan says that the whole "disease" theory has made his dad worse. After comparing t...
Cardinal Mallory is sent by the Vatican to inspect the statue. After getting squirted in the face wi...
At an AA meeting, Mr. Marsh sees a news report determining that the bleeding Virgin Mary isn't a mir...
Randy doesn't think he's an alcoholic, he just really likes beer.
Stan's Dad can't stop drinking because of the terrible disease he is powerless against.
After karate practice, Stan's dad shows up drunk on two-dollar margaritas and gives the boys a ride ...
While driving the boys home, Randy gets pulled over. He fails a sobriety test, let's his pants fall ...