Cartman is Cast Out
The boys won't let Cartman sit in the cafeteria during lunch in case the other gingers follow suit.
Bekijk hier 12 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
The boys won't let Cartman sit in the cafeteria during lunch in case the other gingers follow suit.
Kyle's speech doesn't quiet Cartman's bigotry and gingers are now banned from the cafeteria. Kyle co...
Cartman tries to downplay the irony of his Gingervitus, while Butters finds his appearance hilarious...
Cartman starts an organization called, the Ginger Separatist Movement, and the group is outraged tha...
After Kyle puts his plan into action, Cartman wakes up to red hair and a face full of freckles.
Now that Cartman has Gingervitus, the doctor suggests his mother put him down... Or at least keep hi...
Cartman holds a meeting with all the ginger kids to express his frustration with the discrimination ...
Kyle and Stan visit the Foley family to learn more about gingers, but the nonginger parents seem rat...
Cartman leads the All Ginger Pride Conference and convinces the ginger kids to round up the non-ging...
Cartman is about to exterminate the non-gingers when he learns the truth behind his own Gingervitus.
Before Kyle, Stan and Kenny can change Cartman back to normal, the ginger kids start their round up ...
Cartman gives a presentation to the class about the threat of Ginger people. Kyle feels it is a hate...