Susan Sommers Calf Exerciser
Stan's parents order him to free the cows. He locks himself in his room with them until they are gua...
Bekijk hier 11 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
Stan's parents order him to free the cows. He locks himself in his room with them until they are gua...
The boys break into the cow farm. They realize the little baby cows are too weak to walk, so they ca...
The FBI agrees to some requests in order to get the boys to come out. The FBI plans to flip the swit...
The news does a brief story on the boys. The next morning, a small army of dirty hippies show their ...
The FBI brings in a negotiator. He deals with Cartman, who says they'll give up one calf for guns an...
The Marshes get the other parents involved but the boys won't open the door.
The boys wake up Cartman so he can help them. After farting in Kyle's face and making them beg, Cart...
The boys load the cows into a truck and head for Mexico. The FBI stops them by using a large bunch o...
The class goes on a field trip to a cow farm. When they hear about the veal cows, the boys are horri...
The boys are hungry. Mrs. Cartman sneaks them some food and Cartman feeds some beef jerky to a cow.
The boys get caught but manage to shut down the veal industry. Stan gets a case of vaginitis from no...