Please Let Me Kill Them
The U.S. military warns Saddam about his takeover. Then Scott shows up and confronts him about the d...
Uitgebracht op 31-03-1998 · Seizoen 2 · Aflevering 1
De aflevering begint met de mededeling dat het publiek 4 weken voor niets heeft gewacht op het antwoord op de vraag "Wie is de vader van Cartman"? In plaats daarvan hebben ze een aflevering met Terrance en Phillip in de hoofdrollen.De aflevering begint met een rechtszaak, waarin Terrance berecht wordt wegens de moord op Dr. Jeffrey O'Dwyer. Phillip is zijn advocaat en hun eeuwige vijand Scott is de aanklager. Scott heeft vele stukken bewijs die voor 100 % bewijzen dat Terrance schuldig is maar, na een aantal scheten van beiden worden ze onschuldig verklaard door de jury.
Bekijk hier 14 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
The U.S. military warns Saddam about his takeover. Then Scott shows up and confronts him about the d...
Scott tells Terrance and Phillip that they are responsible for Saddam's takeover. He gives them a bo...
A letter is delivered to Terrance saying that his daughter is being held captive in Iran. Phillip ha...
Saddam Hussein breaks into Celine Dion's house. He says that he will fix Bob's face if she will sing...
Terrance and Phillip grab Sally with no trouble. When they get back to Canada, it seems that Saddam ...
Scott questions Saddam on his Canadian takeover. Then he discovers that Terrance and Phillip are sti...
Terrance says goodbye to Celine Dion (Sally's mother). He and Phillip go to the airport where they g...
Terrance goes over to Celine Dion's house to propose to her. When he gets there, he finds out that s...
Scott calls Terrance and Phillip and blames them fort Saddam's takeover. He tells them that they hav...
Terrance and Phillip use their own chemical warfare against Saddam
After Terrance gets off the hook, he and Phillip are approached by Scott who vows to one day get him...
Saddam Hussein calls up Scott to make a deal. If Scott can get Hussein and his friends into Canada, ...
Terrance and Phillip run into Ugly Bob. They give him a paper bag to wear on his head for which he t...
Terrance and Phillip star in the film "Not Without My Anus." In the first scene, Terrance is on tria...