Checking Out The New Digs
The new President-elect wants to see the Oval Office.
Uitgebracht op 04-11-2008 · Seizoen 12 · Aflevering 12
Terwijl het land de uitkomst van de verkiezingen viert, is er geen goede bewaking bij het Witte Huis. Vanuit het Oval Office, verzamelt de nieuwe baas zijn team en bereidt zich voor op wat er volgt.
Bekijk hier 14 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
The new President-elect wants to see the Oval Office.
Obama decides to hang it up, and give this President thing a try.
Even in the Emergency Room, there's no one there to help.
President Obama's wife isn't happy with what's going on.
McCain supporters seek refuge in Mr. Stotch's bunker.
Kyle can't find his Parents anywhere, and Obama gets some "rest".
Ike can't take the fact that McCain lost.
Sarah Palin is a little bit smarter than she seems.
Obama and his team of thieves pull off the greatest heist in American history.
Thanks to Obama, Randy can finally tell his boss what he really thinks.
While Obama fans celebrate change, McCain supporters mope in disappointment.
President Obama and John McCain lay out their plans for the country.
The Obama celebration turns into an all-out street party.
Barack Obama accepts his bid to be the next President, and Randy can't contain his excitement.