Get Your Sheets
Mr. Garrison points out that rich people are afraid of ghosts so they decide to get some sheets and ...
Below you will find 14 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
Mr. Garrison points out that rich people are afraid of ghosts so they decide to get some sheets and ...
Token's parents are concerned when Token wants to be like the poorer kids and get his clothes from J...
The rich form the Million Millionaire March in protest of their unfair treatment and pay Chef to joi...
The rich kids teach Token how to play polo, but he's not really into it. Token feels just as out of ...
Token's parents take him to J-Mart, and he's thrilled. The other parents are shocked and make Token'...
After spending time with a bunch of bad-joke-loving lions, Token decides to return home.
The students present their class projects and Token's is very elaborate. The other kids complain and...
Token sings a song of prayer for a new, rich family to move to town. His prayers are answered when W...
Token gives the Smith kids a tour of his house, however they seem to be on a different level of rich...
The locals are furious as more and more rich people move in, and don't want the poor-purity of South...
The locals scare off the rich people with their ghost costumes. Token learns that the boys rip on ev...
Will Smith calls up Snoop Dogg and tells him about South Park. Snoop thinks it sounds great and deci...
While with the lions in the zoo, Token is taken to see Aslan, their leader. Token pulls Aslan's thor...
The men from the bar decide to burn a lower case 'T' in front of a rich person's home, to send the m...