Bailing On The Party
The boys go on the radio to cancel their party, but it only pisses people off more.
Aired at September 30, 2014 · Season 18 · Episode 2
Following the events of Go Fund Yourself, Stan, Cartman, Kyle, and Kenny return to school, only to find themselves ostracized and ridiculed after they told everyone to "go fuck themselves", with Wendy being mad at Stan because of his alleged break up with her over the start up company with Butters not allowed to return after burning down the school's gymnasium before dissolving the group. While at a meeting to discuss what to do with Butters, Mr. Mackey comes in and gloats about his newfound gluten-free diet (much to the chagrin of the others, especially Mr. Garrison). In order to gain back their popularity, Eric decides to throw a party for a cause (choosing Scott Malkinson's diabetes) and announce it over the local radio station, with Principal Victoria asking if it has gluten free foods, which the boys don't have a response to.
Below you will find 16 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
The boys go on the radio to cancel their party, but it only pisses people off more.
The USDA gluten investigation is taken over by the FDA, and Stan visits his dad at the Gluten Quaran...
The boys go on the radio to promote their epic party honoring Scott Malkinson.
At the Gluten Quarantine Center, a detainee finally gives in to gluten.
With all snacks gone, Cartman struggles to get out of bed.
The boys come up with a brilliant plan to win back their friends.
The townspeople celebrate the destruction of a wheat field. Meanwhile, the USDA goes into crisis mo...
Aunt Jemima visits Cartman in a dream.
Randy and Sharon remove all the glutenous food from the kitchen. Meanwhile, Cartman calls Kyle with...
After Randy's house is investigated for gluten exposure, he is quarantined.
In the midst of the gluten crisis, Cartman calls the USDA with a crucial piece of information.
After their start-up business fails, the boys return to school... only to find that everyone is piss...
The boys manage to pull off an epic party, complete with a performance by Lorde.
Mr. Mackey reminds the faculty AGAIN about the benefits of his gluten free life style.
The USDA's Nutrition Advisor explains exactly what gluten is.
Stan’s parents panic to clean out all the “bad" food from their kitchen.