Profile Stan Marsh
Stan's profile holds a huge chat party.
Below you will find 14 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
Stan's profile holds a huge chat party.
Everyone's taking status updates way too seriously.
Stan's profile is forced to compete in the gaming arena.
Kyle finally abandons Kip Drordy as his friend.
When things start to go sour, Kyle turns to his REALLY good friend.
Kyle and Cartman finally find a quality friend on Chat Roulette, while Stan's profile goes rogue.
In the ultimate battle of social networking, Stan takes on his all-powerful profile.
Kyle and Cartman go on Chat Roulette to look for some quality internet friends.
Stan has trouble adjusting to the world of social networking.
Stan literally gets sucked into social networking.
Everyone gets involved in social networking.
Cartman, Kenny and Kyle discuss their online friend situation, but Stan wants no part of it.
Kip Drordy makes a new friend.
Cartman gets into the economics of social networking with his kick-ass podcast.