Bad Historical Acting
Murderin' Murphy is released from the Pioneer Village jailhouse.
Aired at April 22, 2008 · Season 12 · Episode 7
Mr. Garrison takes the fourth grade class on an educational field trip to Pioneer Village where dedicated workers act as their counterparts from 1864 and never break character. Mr. Garrison tells the students to move in pairs and hold hands. Cartman tries to pair up with Stan, but he pairs up with Wendy (whom he specifically refers to as his girlfriend). Cartman then tries to pair up with Kenny, who chooses Craig, and Kyle who (naturally) does not want to be paired with him (and picks Jimmy instead). Cartman is forced to take Butters as his partner and Mr. Garrison tells Butters not to let go of Cartman's hand until they were both back on the bus.
Below you will find 15 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
Murderin' Murphy is released from the Pioneer Village jailhouse.
Cartman and Butters work together to sneak back into Pioneer Village
The fourth grade field trip to Pioneer Village is disrupted by thieves.
Franz learns a lot about pioneer life during his visit to Pioneer Village.
Cartman and Butters try to sneak back on to Pioneer Village.
The Thieves escape plan depends on a secret code.
The fourth graders are unimpressed with Pioneer Village and the horrible Role Playing of its inhabit...
Stan, Kyle, Jimmy and Wendy try to get a hold of the police.
The police surround Pioneer Village and the Bandits are forced to take the fourth grade class hostag...
Mr. Garrison takes the fourth grade class on a field trip to Pioneer Village.
Butters gets hysterical after he and Cartman think the police have been called in to find them.
Stan makes the ultimate sacrifice to save Kenny's life.
Cartman drags a pissed-off Butters to Super Phun Thyme.
Cartman and Butters sneak away from the rest of the class.
Cartman enjoys all that Super Phun Thyme has to offer, while Butters wants to leave.