Ever since that First Time
The boys worry that Kenny has become a cheese addict.
Aired at March 25, 2008 · Season 12 · Episode 3
Mr. Mackey lectures the kids on the dangers of choking themselves to get high, as well as other methods that are becoming popular. In response, Kenny attempts to get high by choking himself, while Butters mentions that his cousin from Florida told him about kids in his school "getting high off of cat pee", in reference to the slang term "cat piss", used to describe the potent stench of some varieties of marijuana. The other children do not believe him until Mr. Mackey confirms that it is true that a concentrated form of cat urine, used by male cats to mark their territory in the presence of other male cats, can cause one to get "really, really high" when inhaled. Mr. Mackey immediately regrets giving the kids this information.
Below you will find 17 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
The boys worry that Kenny has become a cheese addict.
Kenny discovers Cartman's secret annex.
Gerald's new law goes into effect and DEA agents round up all the cats.
Gerald offers his 'super-lawyer' powers to help rid South Park of cats.
Cartman begins taking in stray cats to save them from the DEA.
Kenny learns to cheese without cats.
Kyle's parents find a cat hidden in his room and are convinced he's on the Cheese.
Kenny volunteers to be the first to try getting high off of cat pee.
Gerald and Kenny face off in a battle for the Locknar trophy.
Mr. Mackey divulges too much information about various ways to get high.
Gerald's been clean for ten years, but can't resist the temptation to Cheese one last time.
Gerald realizes cheesing just isn't worth it.
Kenny rescues his hot lady from the Boob Monsters.
The boys have have a serious talk with Kenny about his Cheesing.
Major Boobage offers to let Kenny lather his daughter in the fountains of Varnoth.
A special report on the dangers of Cheesing concerns Gerald.
Kenny takes a ride on a Trans Am through space and meets a rockin' hot chick.