Plan to Kill Mom
Fed up with his mom's new rules, Cartman decides to kill her with help from the boys.
Aired at May 2, 2006 · Season 10 · Episode 7
In this episode, the head of the school goes completely mad about Eric Cartman. He wants Eric to receive special help and proposes the American reality soap Nanny 911. (Including nanny Yvonne Finnerty being ridiculed.) If that does not work out well, Eric's mother hires Supernanny, but even that ends completely wrong. At the hospital, she is suggested to hire a dog trainer, Cesar Millan, The Dog Whisperer. This ensures that Eric Cartman is treated like a dog.
Below you will find 12 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
Fed up with his mom's new rules, Cartman decides to kill her with help from the boys.
Cartman is inches from killing his mother, but he just can't. He has a psychotic episode that makes ...
Cartman's spirit is broken and finally he starts to behave. He can't believe he's brushing his teeth...
Cartman has changed completely, the perfect son -- he's up early doing homework, chores and eating a...
When Cartman returns from the streets, Cartman's Mom quickly establishes her dominance.
When Cartman convinces some kid to saw through his own leg at school, his mom is at her wit's end.
Cartman runs away from home, confident that any of his friends will take him in off the streets. He ...
Cartman sends Super Nanny off to a mental institution after 3 days of mental torture.
The Dog Whisperer leashes Cartman up and walks him. By the time the walk is over, Cartman's mom has ...
The Dog Whisperer picks up where he left off. He shows Cartman's Mom how to establish dominance.
Nanny Stella of the TV show "Nanny 911" comes to impose some discipline on Cartman, but her bag of t...
The Dog Whisperer treats Cartman like a dog in order to train him. Cartman hates it.