BigBoned Joins the Chat
Cartman, seeking more mature friends, finds many willing gentleman on the Internet and makes a date ...
Kenny's Mom is pregnant and Cartman brags about being NAMBLA's new poster child.
This short clip is a fragment from the episode Cartman Joins NAMBLA (Season 4, Episode 6)
Check out a full list of episodes from season 4
Cartman, seeking more mature friends, finds many willing gentleman on the Internet and makes a date ...
The boys attend a NAMBLA party and are weirded out.
Kenny's parents have a baby and decide to name him Kenny, after their son who just died.
Cartman believes he needs more mature and intelligent friends.
Kenny gets his parents to ride the John Denver Experience in hopes it will induce his mother's abort...
Kenny's Dad accidentally drinks the abortion cocktail Kenny made for his mom and suffers the consequ...
The FBI busts the wrong NAMBLA--the North American Marlon Brando Look Alikes--but together they vow ...
The boys, the FBI, the pedophiles, the Marlon Brando Look-Alikes, Kenny, his parents and a waiter ch...
The NAMBLA spokesman tries to convince everybody that they're not so bad after all. Stan and Kyle ha...
Cartman goes to Dr. Mephesto for help and Dr. Mephisto recommends Cartman join NAMBLA.
Kenny tries to sabotage is parents plan of having another kid by throwing a baseball at his father's...
Kenny tries to plunge the unborn fetus from his Mother's stomach after having a nightmare that the b...
Cartman convinces Butters to take one for the team and let the NAMBLA guys have sex with him.
Cartman's new friend gives him books on the Kama Sutra and a backrub before being carted off by the ...
Cartman accuses Kyle and Stan of starting a conspiracy because they're jealous he's seeking out more...
Kenny, dressed as a young girl, buys some abortion pills.
NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) shows up to the South Park jail and proclaims that ...
Cartman meets Mr. Garrison for a date. When Garrison also gets arrested, Cartman blames Stan and Kyl...
The NAMBLA spokesman tells Cartman they are having a party in his honor and ask him to invite some f...
Cartman tells Stan and Kyle they are not invited to the NAMBLA party in his honor.
NAMBLA decides they need a poster child for their cause and Cartman walks through the door to join.