Somalian Pirates We!
Captain Cartman gets his new crew in ship shape.
The pirate club finally arrives in Somalia.
Deze korte clip is een fragment van de aflevering Fatbeard (Seizoen 13, Aflevering 7)
Bekijk alle afleveringen van seizoen 13
Captain Cartman gets his new crew in ship shape.
Cartman wants to live the life of a pirate.
Cartman announces his new club at school.
Cartman explains his brilliant plans to get treasure in Somalia.
Kyle's family discovers that Ike has run away to be a pirate.
The World Leaders discuss the escalating pirate situation, and Cartman's pirates get a new hostage.
The boys meet some real Somali pirates.
Captain Cartman assembles his crew, and lays out their plans for raping and plundering.
Captain Cartman's crew attempts a mutiny...until the Military arrives.
Cartman's pirate club shows the Somali's how to plunder.
Captain Cartman doesn't agree with the Somali pirate's methods.
Kyle is taken hostage while trying to save his brother.
Butters and Ike learn what it's really like to be a pirate.
Cartman's pirate crew has some second thoughts about setting sail.