Level 60
Kenny plays Heaven vs. Hell on his PSP until he reaches level 60, at which time he is hit by an ice ...
Cartman appeals to the Colorado Supreme Court to remove Kenny's feeding tube on the basis that they're BFFs, Best Friends Forever.
Deze korte clip is een fragment van de aflevering Best Friends Forever (Seizoen 9, Aflevering 4)
Bekijk alle afleveringen van seizoen 9
Kenny plays Heaven vs. Hell on his PSP until he reaches level 60, at which time he is hit by an ice ...
Kenny wins the epic battle of good versus evil on the Holy Sony PSP.
Satan's helper illicits the help of the Republicans to aid their cause.
Kenny prepares for battle as Satan's army advances. Unfortunately, doctors revive Kenny out of Heave...
Archangel Michael maps out the Kingdom of Heaven for Kenny and tells him what they're up against.
Cartman wants to be the first kid with a Sony PSP, but when he gets to the store he finds people hav...
While a lawyer reads Kenny's will to the boys, they find out that he's still alive.
Kenny learns he was chosen to help God defeat the armies of Satan because of his Sony PSP skills.
As the last page of Kenny's will is read, Stan and Kyle realize that maybe it is best to let him go ...
Kenny is kept alive with machines, making his soul trapped and unable to help Heaven defeat Satan's ...
The media covers Stan and Kyle's protest of the Supreme Court's decision, and Cartman with his own B...
Satan advances when he discovers Heaven lost their Keanu Reeves. Cartman vows to get Kenny's feeding...
Hell's army quickly approaches Heaven as the angels make plan to get their Keanu Reeves back.