Lunch Line Confession
The boys ask Chef if they're homophobic because of how uncomfortable they felt when Mr. Garrison put...
Uitgebracht op 19-11-2002 · Seizoen 6 · Aflevering 14
Mr. Garrison keert terug als leraar van de kinderen, nadat hij tot Kindergarten-leraar was gedegradeerd omdat hij uit de kast was gekomen als homofiel. Als hij zich realiseert dat hij miljoenen kan verdienen als hij zich laat ontslaan en de school vervolgens aanklaagt, neemt hij een SM-partner, genaamd Mr. Slave. Garrison begint zich voor de klas begint zich zo vreemd mogelijk te gedragen en stopt zelfs een woestijnrat genaamd Lemmiwinks in de anus van zijn assistent Mr. Slave, die hij kortweg de "Teachers ass." noemt.
Bekijk hier 14 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
The boys ask Chef if they're homophobic because of how uncomfortable they felt when Mr. Garrison put...
Butters is dragged away as Stan and Kyle struggle to get their work done. Cartman has fun crapping o...
Mr. Garrison is offered the position teaching the fourth grade. He then tries to come up with a way ...
The boys' parents are so engrossed in their weekly book club that they don't comprehend how gay the ...
The boys leave the tolerance camp as Mr. Garrison and Mr. Slave enter. Lemmiwinks, the Gerbil King, ...
Mr. Garrison plots his next move in the plan to get fired. Lemmiwinks meets the Sparrow Prince and r...
It's arts and crafts time in tolerance camp and the kids are instructed to paint people of different...
Causing some discomfort to Mr. Slave, Lemmiwinks enters the stomach and meets the Catatafish. His jo...
Mr. Garrison goes onstage at the Museum of Tolerance and tries to be as big a dick as possible. He e...
Chef and the boys get in trouble for refusing to be more open-minded about Mr. Garrison's gayness. A...
Mr. Garrison demonstrates an important scientific principle using a test tube, Lemmiwinks the gerbil...
Now that he's teaching fourth grade, Mr. Garrison has replaced Mr. Hat with a new, more mature teach...
The boys and their parents go to the Museum of Tolerance where they learn that it's always wrong to ...
Mr. Garrison is called to Principal Victoria's Office. Meanwhile, in Mr. Slave's ass, Lemmiwinks is ...