Poor Thing
Kyle can't believe Cousin Kyle is back already and has no idea that he was intentionally tied a bus ...
Bekijk hier 18 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
Kyle can't believe Cousin Kyle is back already and has no idea that he was intentionally tied a bus ...
The boys put cousin Kyle on a sled and attach it to the back of a bus bound for Connecticut.
The Government shuts down Mr. Garrison's dealership because they're putting airline business in jeop...
Mr. Garrison and Mr. Hat get inspiration for their new traveling machine from Enrique Iglesias' gyra...
Mr. Garrison missed his flight and is now completely fed up with the airlines and challenges everyon...
Cousin Kyle is going home. He invested in Mr. Garrison's IT, and when it flopped he got a bailout ch...
The boys take Cousin Kyle to the airport to "play hide and seek," and ship him to Antarctica. Kenny ...
Cousin Kyle has been in town for two weeks now and is driving everyone crazy and wrecking Kyle's ima...
Cartman tries to convince Kyle that his comment about sending Cousin Kyle to a concentration camp wa...
Cousin Kyle is visiting because he's having a hard time at home and is going to have to rely on Kyle...
Randy Marsh discovers IT can be operated by buttons on the side of the vehicle and wonders why he ca...
IT is finally available for purchase. Mr. Garrison assists various townspeople with their test drive...
Mr. Garrison has invented a top secret, revolutionary travel device that he will only show to the ri...
Millions of Americans are now traveling with IT. John Travolta even endorses the new device.
Kyle offers Cartman $40 not to rip on his cousin and refrain from the Jew jokes. Meanwhile, it looks...
Mrs. Choksondik has Cousin Kyle introduce himself to the class and Cartman just can't make it withou...
The ridiculous lines at the airport are infuriating Mr. Garrison. Kyle's cousin Kyle arrives from th...
Mr. Garrison finally reveals IT to the masses. The strange motions required to operate the vehicle s...