Saying Their Prayers
Stan and Jesus both turn to God for help with their problems.
Bekijk hier 11 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
Stan and Jesus both turn to God for help with their problems.
Jesus asks God to show himself on New Year's Eve. Kyle asks Ike if he should lie about getting his p...
As Cartman takes his time buying the right maxi pad, Kenny tells the boys that he got his period too...
Jesus asks God to show himself during his New Year's Eve celebration. Stan wakes up with new boobs.
Stan gets Dr. Mephesto to give him some hormone pills, while Rod Stewart apparently pooped his pants...
Jesus announces a Rod Stewart comeback concert at the Rio Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.
While Cartman, Kyle and Kenny talk about their woman-business, Stan tries to get some answers from C...
Cartman is bleeding from his ass and thinks he got his period.
After Stan tells the others that he's taking hormones, Kenny dies from a tampon up his ass.
Rod Stewart is horrible in concert and the angry crowd turns on Jesus.
Stan wastes humanity's one question to God by asking why he hasn't gotten his period yet.