We're Here For the Halloween Special
As the Halloween Special Begins, Towelie makes a startling discovery.
Uitgebracht op 30-10-2019 · Seizoen 23 · Aflevering 5
Randy maakt zich klaar om een groot evenement te organiseren vanwege Halloween, uiteraard gesponsord door Tegridy Farms. Zijn dochter Shelly is niet zo enthousiast, ze heeft een hekel aan wiet. Archeologist Butters heeft een uitje in het museum.
Bekijk hier 18 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
As the Halloween Special Begins, Towelie makes a startling discovery.
As Randy broods about his problems with his daughter, Towelie discovers there may be a way to save t...
Shelley brews up a potion to get revenge on her Father and the Halloween Special.
While they spend Halloween night in jail, Butters complains to Shelley about the Mummy.
Randy talks to Towelie about Shelley's problem.
In the middle of the night, the Mummy of Took-Tan-Ra pays a visit to Butters.
Butters tries to talk to the guys about his situation, but as he starts to have a good time, the Mum...
Randy finally wakes up after the Halloween Special.
Randy and Shelley try to enjoy a father-daughter day at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Mea...
After everything calms down at the Marsh Farm, Butters tries to make amends with the Mummy.
After another Mummy attack, at school, Counselor Mackey sits Butters down for a counseling session.
As the Halloween Special party gets into full swing, Randy and Towelie are attacked by nightmares.
Randy, at his wits end, takes his daughter to the police station and tells them all about her mariju...
Not able to deal with the Halloween Special, Randy calls the police for help. Shelley realizes she i...
Randy prepares for the Tegridy Farms Halloween Special, but first he's got to deal with Shelley's ma...
It's the all-new into for Tegridy Farms Halloween Special - Brought to you by Tegridy Weed.
The police show up, at Butters' house, and confront him about he fight he and the Mummy had the prev...
Randy and Shelly discuss her marijuana problem.