Who Invited Him Here?
The entire town goes to the police for help with Mark Zuckerberg, but realize they invited this upon...
Uitgebracht op 10-10-2017 · Seizoen 21 · Aflevering 4
Facebook is het ultieme wapen van Professor Chaos.
Bekijk hier 16 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
The entire town goes to the police for help with Mark Zuckerberg, but realize they invited this upon...
After defeating Professor Chaos and Facebook, the Coon and Friends can't agree on their franchise pl...
Professor Chaos welcomes his newest minion and explains more about his latest scheme to bring Chaos ...
Mark Zuckerberg visits a few more residents of South Park.
After learning the reason Coon and Friends are losing fans on social media, they decide to stand tog...
The parents of South Park's children are concerned with the terrible "news' they are reading on Face...
While Cartman lays out the franchise plan, the Coon and Friends face a new threat.
While Professor Chaos congratulates his employees on their outstanding work, the Coon and Friends st...
Professor Chaos launches his next diabolical plot, on Facebook, to destroy the Coon and Friends.
After a successful tryout, Fast Pass becomes the newest member of the Coon and Friends.
As Mark Zuckerberg shows the people of South Park how unblockable he is, Coon and Friends devise a p...
After the Town Hall meeting, Mark Zuckerberg visits a few of the residents of South Park.
The Coon and Friends pitch their franchise idea to Netflix, but find out their Facebook reputation h...
Mark Zuckerberg addresses the residents of South Park.
After learning of all the trouble Butters has caused, Stephen does some serious grounding.
In his latest scheme, Butters uses Facebook to spread misinformation.