It's Guy Humor
Gerald brags about the latest trolling of the school message boards to Ike, then fills Sheila in on ...
Uitgebracht op 20-09-2016 · Seizoen 20 · Aflevering 2
De jongens besluiten dat ze Cartman moeten uitschakelen, Skank Hunt gaat globaal.
Bekijk hier 15 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
Gerald brags about the latest trolling of the school message boards to Ike, then fills Sheila in on ...
The boys lead Cartman deep into the woods under the pretense of playing Counter-Strike.
The girls, of South Park Elementary, make a plan to teach the boys a lesson. Meanwhile the boys try ...
The kids all share, on Twitter, what Heidi meant to them, Meanwhile, the boys have a not so subtle c...
The kids at school come to terms with what happened to Heidi Turner.
The parents of South Park Elementary attend a meeting about the dangers of internet trolls, and Shei...
Counselor Mackey takes a desperate late night phone call from Scott.
Scott drops by for another counseling session with Mr. Macky.
Gerald gets the recognition he's been seeking and ups his trolling game.
Mr Mackey Counsels Scott Malkinson on a very sensitive topic... whether to quit Twitter or not.
After another trolling attack, nothing can bring Gerald down.
The boys take matters into their own hands and confront Cartman. Cartman begs for mercy, but the boy...
After another attack on the internet, the boys discover that Cartman is not SkankHunt42. Meanwhile, ...
in a late night session, Gerald trolls the internet as SkankHunt42.
Gerald discusses the latest exploits of Skankhunt42 with Ike.