Trial By Opaekaka
The Native Hawaiians discuss what to do with Kenny.
Bekijk hier 17 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
The Native Hawaiians discuss what to do with Kenny.
The U.S. Coast Guard descends upon the Native Hawaiian's
The Coast Guard and the Native Hawaiians reach an agreement, while Butters is finally able to have h...
The Native Hawaiians fight back and begin removing tourists from the island.
Butters' parents meet with Principal Victoria, only to realize their son is flowering.
Kenny gives Butters some much needed help getting his journey started.
Kenny undergoes the trial by Opaekaka as the Native Hawaiians look on.
Just when all seems lost, Kenny comes to the rescue.
At the Coco Palms, Kenny stumbles upon the ghost of Elvis.
During Butters' Hapa Loa ceremony, the natives discover their way of life is being threatened.
After confronting him about his fight with Scott Malkinson, Butters completely loses it.
The Native Hawaiian tribes rally together and discuss their plan of attack.
Butters finally arrives in his native homeland.
Butters' parents tell him the truth about his heritage.
Kenny writes back home and lets the boys know how everything is going,
Golf balls and tragedy strike a cruise ship off the coast of Hawaii.
The boys confront Butters for fighting.