Shock and Outrage
The town is finally fed up with the TSA.
Bekijk hier 15 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
The town is finally fed up with the TSA.
The boys' lawyer tries yet again to contact the dead.
Cartman recounts the day's events to Clyde.
the TSA is out enforcing the new toilet safety laws.
The boys visit a lawyer to seek compensation for Clyde's loss.
Led by the boys' lawyer, the suance begins.
Cartman rallies the town to find a solution to their TSA problem.
The town mourns the loss of Clyde's Mother.
The entire town holds a sueance and learns the true way to use a toilet.
Randy notices the TSA's newest safety measures in his bathroom.
Clyde's mother lectures him on toilet etiquette, and the whole class finds out.
The TSA pays a visit to Cartman's house.
Inside the TSA headquarters, something goes awry.
Clyde leaves the seat up and his mom suffers the consequences.
Cartman and the townspeople feel the effects of TSA delays.