Isn't... There?
The Government discovers whats truly behind all this anger.
Bekijk hier 14 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
The Government discovers whats truly behind all this anger.
The T.M.I. scale is finally adjusted and the Pissed off and Angry Party celebrates.
The anger management class tries out some role-playing exercises.
Butters is unhappy with his T.M.I.
The Principal confronts Cartman about his re-measuring campaign.
Randy and his followers take over the Federal Express.
Randy gets thrown into anger management class.
Cartman re-measures all the boys to get the numbers right.
The parents find out about the incident at school and Randy volunteers to talk to the children.
Cartman visits an Anger Management Class to discuss his issues.
The boys gather around to view the growth chart.
Cartman sits down with a Therapist to discuss his anger issues.
Cartman confronts the boys about the school going too far.
Randy teaches the class about the mathematics behind penis size.