The Pi Pi's No Good At Swimming
The boys meet Pi Pi and find there's only one way to survive.
Uitgebracht op 17-11-2009 · Seizoen 13 · Aflevering 14
Een dagje naar het waterpark pakt anders uit dan je zou denken. Cartman probeert iedereen te waarschuwen, maar niemand luistert.
Bekijk hier 13 korte, grappige fragmenten van deze aflevering die zijn uitgebracht door South Park Studios.
The boys meet Pi Pi and find there's only one way to survive.
The scientists think they have an antidote and Randy volunteers to be the human test subject.
Kyle prepares for his big dive.
Stan's parents try to remain calm while the police attempt to find the antidote.
The police quarantine the water park and try to figure out what to do.
Kyle finally bites the bullet, just in time to be rescued.
After the apocalypse, Cartman dreams about what the future will be like.
Officials are concerned about the high pee levels at the water park.
Cartman does some calculations and makes a shocking discovery.
Kyle is stranded in the ocean of pee. Meanwhile, Cartman finds rescue at the hands of minorities.
The boys head to the water park and start getting wet.
Disaster strikes the water park.
Cartman sings a heartfelt ode about how his water park isn't the way he remembered it.