Cartman's Plan
Cartman's plan to defeat the elderly includes a train, explosives, Country Kitchen Buffet, being dis...
Below you will find 12 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
Cartman's plan to defeat the elderly includes a train, explosives, Country Kitchen Buffet, being dis...
Randy and Stan go to jail to bail out Grandpa, but when Randy treats his father like a child, the ol...
Senior citizens are forced to hand their driver's licenses in to the DMV after their "Night of Horro...
Grandpa Marsh forces the boys to go for a drive with him and gets pulled over by Officer Barbrady.
The AARP have taken hostages and have secured their battlegrounds. Randy tells the boys that they mu...
An elderly driver mows down more people at a memorial service for nine citizens who were mowed down ...
Grandpa Marsh leads a meeting of the elderly, but they have trouble remembering what they called the...
South Park's elderly take over control of the town with the help of Bill Stewart and the American As...
The boys defeat the elderly by closing down the Country Kitchen Buffet, rendering them helpless.
A senior citizen couple takes a wrong turn en route to the Country Kitchen Buffet and land atop a fi...
The elderly drive through town erratically and chase Randy and the boys through a house.
Randy realizes that all the old people in South Park will be on the road at the same time, tears thr...