When Romper Stomper falls and breaks his leg, Cartman is forced to decide go it alone or risk himsel...
Below you will find 18 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
When Romper Stomper falls and breaks his leg, Cartman is forced to decide go it alone or risk himsel...
Stan and Kyle visit Token's house to try to get him to forgive Cartman. Turns out Token's Dad also h...
Cartman and Kenny have made it to Arizona and are within site of the Mexican border, but the D batte...
With Cartman incarcerated, the boys need a new fat ass. But Clyde's not fat -- he's big-boned!
Cartman goes to Alamosa Maximum Security Juvenile Hall full of violence, transvestites, Tic-Tac-Thro...
Cartman pays a final visit to Romper Stomper back in the pen, to give him the greatest gift of all: ...
Cartman tries to prove himself to the inmates by admitting that he doesn't like Animaniacs.
Cigarettes that are currently up Cartman's ass. He poops them out.
Yle-Kay and an-Stay o-gay to uvenile-Jay all-Hay with an ail-nay ile-fay illed-fay ake-cay, to try t...
Trial TV covers Cartman's hate crime trial. Cartman takes the stand and insists it isn't African-Ame...
The boys try to replace Cartman's bulk with a boy-shaped pile of bricks. Cartman's ass cannot be rep...
Desperate to flee the country rather than face time in Juvenile Hall, Cartman enlists Kenny's help a...
Cartman learns his new schedule and his new cellmate, Romper Stomper who shows him the ropes?
Cartman thinks he's getting off lightly for hurting Token until the FBI steps in.
Cartman returns just in time to join the boys' sledding team. They win the race.
The girls of South Park Elementary challenge the boys to a sled race on a hill more than six feet ta...
Kyle, Stan, and Token make a presentation to the Governor about the "Savage Hypocrisy" that is hate ...
After Cartman sneaks in a new offering to Romper Stomper, the two make a deal to bust out.