Mud Pies
Connelly and Sphinx question the boys about Starvin' Marvin. The boys try to deny any knowledge of h...
Aired at November 2, 1999 · Season 3 · Episode 11
The episode Chinpokomon is a parody of the Pokémon craze. This episode was first aired in the Americas on November 3, 1999 and was nominated for an Emmy Award in 2000. This episode was never broadcast in Japan, nor released on the Japanese DVD box version of Season 3. This episode is one of the few episodes of South Park where real actors take part. For example, during the Chinpokomon episodes in which a Japanese woman plays and when the boys were shown advertisements for other toys.
Below you will find 14 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
Connelly and Sphinx question the boys about Starvin' Marvin. The boys try to deny any knowledge of h...
Mr. Garrison is giving an eye-opening lecture on Hare Krishnas when two CIA agents barge in and take...
After crashing into Cartman's house, Marvin is reunited with the boys. He invites them into the ship...
Sally Struthers, the CIA and Sister Hollis go after Marvin and the boys. Cartman uses a little heart...
As Marvin's family is being converted in Africa, Connelly and Sphinx arrive to do some interrogating...
As the CIA agents threaten the Click Click Derks, Marvin and the boys show up and tell them the news...
The boys distract the CIA while Marvin and his family flee to the ship. However, the missionary spac...
Marvin lands his ship in Australia and is mistaken for an alien. The local mayor says he can relocat...
Connelly and Sphinx ask Sally Struthers for use of her spacecraft. She is reluctant, but gives in wh...
On his show, Pat Robertson speaks of Marklar. He would like to get donations toward a spacecraft to ...
Sister Hollis does a little mission work in Marvin's village. She reprimands him in Bible class, so ...
Marvin and the boys accidentally land on the planet Marklar. The leader of the planet says that Marv...
After some serious balloon-rubbing torture, Cartman tells the CIA agents to talk to Sally Struthers....
Everyone on the planet Marklar is arguing. Thanks to an explanation by Kyle, Marvin's family is left...