I'm Not REALLY a Troll
Gerald sits down with the Troll Hunter and tries to convince everyone that he is not a Troll.
Below you will find 16 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
Gerald sits down with the Troll Hunter and tries to convince everyone that he is not a Troll.
Unsure about what will happen next, Gerald breaks down and apologizes to the other Trolls.
More and more people want to get to Mars. Meanwhile Heidi tries to solve the "math" at SpaceX.
The town of South Park fears its internet secrets will finally be revealed by Troll Trace.
Heidi uses Emoji Analysis to solve the Mars equation.
While Heidi tries to solve the Mars equation, Butters tries to convince Cartman he's been duped.
Kyle and Ike sneak onto the internet to learn the world has turned against Denmark. With an attack i...
Gerald tries to explain to the Troll Trace employees that he is not who they think he is.
The Troll Hunter reveals his grand plan to Gerald. Meanwhile the President orders the nuclear bomber...
Ike and Kyle devise a plan to get back on the internet, and the Troll Hunter puts his master plan in...
Kyle discovers his father is the Troll and finally confronts Gerald.
In a last ditch effort to save his dad, Kyle calls the President.
As the town prays for a way to survive their internet histories being revealed, Kyle and Ike convinc...
Cartman is convinced Butters wants to steal Heidi away, but Butters reveals why he really wants to g...
With the world on the brink of war, President Elect Garrison gets a phone call from his ex.
The South Park Police Department tries to calm the town, before Troll Trace goes online.