Milked Like a Goat
Kyle finally tracks down Butters and Cartman and asks for their help.
Aired at December 6, 2016 · Season 20 · Episode 10
Cartman finally understands why Heidi wants to get him to Mars.
Below you will find 17 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
Kyle finally tracks down Butters and Cartman and asks for their help.
Cartman tries to convince Elon Musk to give up on Mars.
Heidi and Elon Musk celebrate their success as Cartman and Butters look for a way to stop everyone f...
Kyle reaches out to President-Elect Garrison with a plan to destroy TrollTrace. Meanwhile, with the ...
While trolling, Kyle gets a call from the President-Elect pledging the support of the entire United ...
Kyle sums up the second chance we've been given after the internet crash. And the first new email go...
The Trolls and Gerald devise a plan to shut down the TrollTrace servers from the inside. Meanwhile S...
As Gerald shuts down the first breaker in the TrollTrace mainframe, Sheila confronts Ike and Kyle.
As Sheila begins her search of Gerald on TrollTrace, Gerald and Troll Hunter battle one last time an...
The Trolls and TrollTrace employees join forces to shut down the servers.
SkankHunt and the Troll Hunter come face to face. Meanwhile Sheila learns that Ike is not the Troll.
Dildo and the rest of the Trolls reach out to Kyle and lend their support to attacking TrollTrace. M...
Heidi has a heart-to-heart with Cartman and Butters prepares the SpaceX reactor.
The Pentagon prepares for the fall out once TrollTrace goes online. Meanwhile Kyle and the boys of S...
While out looking for Kyle and Ike, Sheila learns that TrollTrace has gone live.
Cartman tells a SpaceX engineer what will happen on Mars.
Cartman reveals the horrible fate awaiting men on Mars.