Age Barrier
Cartman and the two older girls do some bonding. One girl talks about wanting to stay out late to pa...
Aired at September 22, 1998 · Season 2 · Episode 12
In order to play Truth or Dare with Wendy and Bebe, Stan and Kyle decide to build a clubhouse. Stan hopes to be challenged during the game to give his girlfriend Wendy a kiss on the mouth. Cartman and Kenny decide to build their own clubhouse with Cartman becoming the supervisor and Kenny, because he's poor, has to build it. The relationship between Stan's parents is not going well and during a conversation with Mr. Macky at school, because Stan has been caught handing out notes in class, the two get into an argument and things get out of hand. This results in a divorce. Pretty soon after that, Stan's mom, Sharon, already has a new boyfriend, and Stan's dad is enjoying his bachelorhood and buys a Corvette. Would Stan manage to kiss Wendy and is this really the end of Randy and Sharon's marriage?
Below you will find 17 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
Cartman and the two older girls do some bonding. One girl talks about wanting to stay out late to pa...
While working on their clubhouse, Stan and Kyle realize they don't know how to play truth or dare.
Cartman and Kenny finish building the clubhouse. Cartman sends Kenny out to find chicks, while he wa...
Stan's parents meet in the clubhouse and work things out in a very adult round of Truth or Dare, whi...
A party starts raging over at Cartman's clubhouse. Stan's dad is there and everyone's having a good ...
While Mr. Mackey is reprimanding Stan, his parents come in and start arguing. Mr. Mackey shifts his ...
Kenny returns with two older women. Cartman is blown away but keeps his cool by offering them a snac...
Cartman and Kenny decide to build a rival clubhouse. Meanwhile, Stan's mom is still mad about the fi...
Stan, Bebe, Wendy and Clyde play Truth or Dare. Bebe dares Stan to jam a stick in his pee hole.
Just as Kyle and Stan finish the clubhouse, Stan's dad shows up for his visitation. Randy is more in...
Chef gives Stan some Truth or Dare advice. He tells him to play it cool and don't seem too eager.
Stan's mom tells him that his father has moved out, and that it's all his fault. Stan meets his new ...
Stan gets caught passing a note from Bebe to Kyle. The note confesses Bebe's desire to wear Kyle's a...
Stan's dad tells Stan and Kyle how to build a clubhouse. Then he calls his wife the "C" word.
The boys are in the schoolyard playing a game of Americans vs. Bosnians. Wendy comes over with Bebe ...
Bebe kisses Kyle when they play truth or dare with Stan and Wendy. It's bedtime for Cartman, but unf...
After watching a relevant "Fat Abbot," Stan realizes he has to snatch Roy's ass in a bear trap.