With the race nearly over, the final competitors battle to cross the finish line.
Below you will find 15 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
With the race nearly over, the final competitors battle to cross the finish line.
The Wacky Races get started, and Nathan reveals his plan to sabotage Handicar.
The Cab Drivers try to send Timmy a "message"... but it doesn't work.
Butters' Dad joins the new fleet of Handicar drivers.
The Wacky Races continue as the first few cars battle to transport the passenger.
Counselor Steve goes over the fundraising totals for the Summer Camp Charity Drive.
Nathan challenges Timmy to a friendly race. Meanwhile, the news spreads about the return of Wacky R...
Timmy's new transportation company takes South Park by storm.
The cab drivers assemble to discuss what to do about Handicar, while Nathan and Mimsy offer up a sol...
Nathan has some communication problems with his Mom.
We meet all the cars competing for the title of "Future of Transportation".
Nathan plots to take down Handicar from the inside, by sexually harassing customers.
The townspeople panic to stockpile cereal. Meanwhile, the Handicar drivers all rally behind Timmy.
After unveiling the new Tesla D, Elon Musk discusses his concerns about the growing threat of Handic...
The taxi driver finally gets a look at his competition… Timmy.