Too Young To Drink Caffeine
Just when the Goth Kids are about to give up, Vampire Butters offers his aid.
Aired at November 18, 2008 · Season 12 · Episode 14
The kids are playing Call of Duty: World at War in computer class when Butters comes running into the classroom claiming that he has seen vampires around the school. None of the other kids believe him and Cartman suggests that he go "document the vampires" (simply to get rid of him).Butters sneaks into the school gym and hides to document the members of the South Park Vampires' Club on his tape recorder. One of the vampires talks about vampire related customs and they "feed" by drinking Clammato juice. However, Butters' tape recorder malfunctions, exposing him in front of the vampires. Butters attempts to repel them with a crucifix before running away.
Below you will find 14 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.
Just when the Goth Kids are about to give up, Vampire Butters offers his aid.
Butters is weak with hunger, but his Parents still can't ground him.
The Goth Kids continue to be mistaken for Vamp Kids.
Sick of this Vampire crap, the Goth Kids take matters into their own hands.
Butters gets in trouble for leaving the pantry unalphabetized.
Butters attempts to spy on the Vampire Kids in the gym.
Butters wants to join the Vampires. Meanwhile, the Goth Kids are getting pissed off.
Butters' Parents try to ground their son, only to find out...he's ungroundable.
Butters is back to normal, and the Goth Kids teach us all a valuable lesson.
The Goth Kids discover an influx of Vamp kids hijacking their style.
The Goth Kids drive a stake through the heart of the South Park Vampire Society.
Butter's sneaks into Cartman's bedroom to feed.
In an ancient "Hot Topic" ceremony, Butters is transformed into a Vampire Kid.
During an intense computer lab lesson, Butters tries to warn the Boys about a Vampire invasion.